
Thursday, 21 September 2017

How To Post a Blog Post.

In cybersmart room 7 was learning how to do a blog post for starters.


Room 7 each got a teacher and wrote a simile about them i got Mrs Faalili. Mrs Faalili reminded me of a butterfly.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

The Solar System

The solar system is made of stars and planets. The sun is the biggest star but maybe it’s not though. Did you know that Earth is the only planet with people on it. All the other planets don’t have people,oxygen or gravity.Saturn has a ring around it and on the ring there are rocks and dust orbiting around the planet Saturn like the other planets orbiting the sun. Mercury is the hottest planet but not hotter than the sun.Venus is the second hottest planet. Earth is a planet of light and life. We give plants carbon dioxcide and plants give us oxygen. No one would survive if anyone got close enough to touch the sun. The earth is blue and green because of the sea and sky and the grass and plants. If we didn’t have water or plants we would die. There are lot’s of rocks and dust and mountains on the other planets except Earth.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

All About Me.

I had fun writing this and now you know all about me!

Friday, 1 September 2017

Trip Thank You Card

Room 7,11 and 12 went to the Maritime Museum and we were all in groups. Each group had a parent looking after them or a teacher. I was with Jayde's mum Mrs.Ellison. So now Room 7 is making thank you cards for the parents that came and looked after us while we were at the trip  to the trip with us.